Announcing the “Art For Good” Scholarship

Garry Polmateer
3 min readNov 24, 2020

With the events of George Floyd and ongoing effort to get better at listening, learning and seeing what I can do to help, I wanted to share a project I’ve been working on.

As a graduate from Hudson Valley Community College and their fantastic Fine Arts program, I benefitted from some world class instruction and life changing training into the language of art and how art affects social and political discourse.

During my time there, there was one crushing reality, the cost of supplies. Easily costing several hundred dollars per class, I was barely able to scrape together the money I needed to pay for them. And luckily, I had a lifeline — my parents helped me out, and I was fortunate to find a good job to also help subsidize.. in other words, I used some privilege to help cover the cost.

After George Floyd and subsequent dialogue, I realized that Art has been a huge piece of the discourse, and the thought of helping struggling black art students cover their supplies spoke to me. So, in an effort to help I have worked with the faculty at HVCC and the administration there to formalize the “Art for Good” scholarship.

The scholarship will grant a student up to $250 in a given semester to offset the cost of art supplies, and able to renew every semester. Preference is given to Black students or other students of color, and new students who might not be ready to shoulder the cost.

This is a start. I remain committed to do what I can to listen, learn, and help. I hope some day I can be seen an ally, and I feel the best thing to do is KEEP DOING AND LEARNING, and open my checkbook once in a while and pay some of my privilege forward.


First here’s a few thoughts — Even $1 goes a long way toward funding a student’s supplies. Can you sponsor a “full ride” of $250? Do what you can and I’ll give you a hug someday when we’re allowed. Remember even the smallest gift is going to CHANGE SOMEONE’S LIFE!

Go to and in the designation, make sure you select the “Art for Good” Scholarship. And yes, donations are tax deductible.

Art is a lifelong passion, and we named it “Art for Good” because making art is for the greater good, and it’s “for good”, as in you are helping do something that can forever improve someone’s life, and maybe even make a mark on history. I hope this story finds you well and together we can help END RACISM… FOR GOOD.



Garry Polmateer

Either a mouse or an axe in my hand. CEO at Red Argyle. Proud EO Member, Salesforce MVP, Legomaniac, coffee lover and gratuitous user of the word AWESOME.